KREIS at Celebre Magazine


The history of KREIS Jewellery is deeply rooted in the art of gem-cutting and jewelry-making, showcasing a legacy of craftsmanship and excellence. The brand is a culmination of generations of expertise.

Alexander Kreis, a master gem-cutter, played a pivotal role in the brand’s development and acclaim. His expertise and craftsmanship not only honor the family’s legacy but also propel Kreis Jewellery to the forefront of the luxury jewelry industry. The brand’s specialization in precious stones set in high-quality metals such as gold, white gold and platinum, coupled with their unique designs, underscore their commitment to luxury and exclusivity.

KREIS Jewellery’s dedication to excellence extends beyond their exquisite pieces to include a personalized approach to customer service, ensuring that each piece meets the individual desires and expectations of their clients. This blend of historical craftsmanship, innovative design and customer-centric service makes KREIS Jewellery a distinguished name in the jewelry world, celebrated for its contributions to the art and industry of gem-cutting and jewelry making.


This commitment traces back over five centuries, where the secrets of transforming raw stones into mesmerizing pieces of beauty were carefully handed down through generations. Alexander Kreis stands as a modern custodian of this legacy, embodying the confluence of generations of gem-cutters who preceded him.


From a very young age, Alexander was immersed in the world of gems, learning not in classrooms, but at the workbench of his grandfather. This early exposure to the craft, enriched by stories of the origins and unique beauty of each stone, sparked a lifelong passion. This passion was nurtured and developed through direct hands-on experience, first in cutting and then in polishing gems, allowing Alexander to craft a distinct style that honors his heritage while infusing his own creativity and expertise.


The family’s roots are deeply embedded in Idar-Oberstein, a town renowned for its gem-cutting tradition since the 16th century. This locale’s rich history and accumulated expertise make it a nucleus of gem knowledge, unmatched globally. However, KREIS Jewellery’s pursuit of exceptional gems is not confined by geography. Alexander and his family venture globally, undeterred by potential perils, to source the finest rough stones. This relentless quest underlines their commitment to excellence and their passion for unveiling the inherent beauty of each gem.


KREIS Jewellery remains a quintessential family business. Stefan’s acumen in procuring raw stones complements the creative talents of Sonja and Vanessa, who transform Alexander’s masterfully cut gems into stunning pieces of jewelry. This collaborative process is intuitive, guided by a profound understanding of each gem’s potential to shine in a bespoke piece of jewelry.


Each gem curated by Kreis Jewellery is imbued with a narrative — from its geological origins to its artistic transformation and the inspiration behind its cutting. Customers of KREIS Jewelllery are not just acquiring a piece of jewelry but are becoming part of a story that links them to the gem’s provenance, its journey through the hands of skilled artisans and its final expression as a unique artifact or investment. A story, rooted in tradition, craftsmanship and familial legacy, which ensures each piece is not merely an object of beauty but a testament to a rich, enduring heritage.


KREIS Jewellery is excited to exhibit for the first time at the upcoming Gemgenève event, which will be held from May 9 to May 12, 2024. For its eighth edition, this renowned tradeshow has introduced a new ehibition titled ‘Flames of Opal Essence’, honoring one of the most fascinating precious stones: the opal. Among the extraordinary pieces on display, KREIS Jewellery will exhibit two exceptional Black Opals: a ring and a loose stone featuring Chinese Writing.


One particularly special piece at the GemGenéve show is the Imperial Flame Topaz, the world’s largest cut Imperial Topaz from Ouro Preto, Brazil. After a brief appearance at the tradeshow, it is scheduled to return to a museum in the USA. This gem hasn’t been shown in Europe for almost 8 years.


I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Stefan Kreis and I asked him to explain what sets their gemstones apart from those of their competitors’ stones. “We have traveled to directly to gemstone mines for generations. It is this history, along with responsibility and reliability of our family, that allowed us to cultivate a network and acquire knowledge granting us access to unparalleled gemstones such as the Imperial Flame, Paraiba, Padparadscha, Emerald no oil or minor oil (cedar oil) treatments in Muzo green from Colombia. On the buying side, through our network, clients can gain close and direct access to the gemstone market which is not possible through traditional dealers. Many of the finest gemstones are not offered publicly and it’s our reputation that directs these exceptional gemstones to us and our clients. Further, we assist clients with our knowledge and expertise when purchasing gemstones, approaching each transaction as if we were buying for ourselves. Furthermore, clients can reintroduce these gems to the market through our network on the selling side, where we act as a sort of market maker. Our goal is to forge relationships with our clients that can stretch over generations.”

What are the most popular and sought-after gemstones among your clientele?

“At the moment Black Opals from Australia, Emeralds from Colombia, Sapphire (yellow, blue, Padparadscha) and Paraiba.”


KREIS Jewellery is also famous for its unique and elegant design offering a variety of pieces such as rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Therefore, we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to admire the innovative and exquisite creations from KREIS Jewellery.


The full article can be found on the website of Celebre Magazine. Here


[Picture of 7.79ct Paraiba Tourmaline – Picture by KREIS]

[Picture of a Tanzanite pendant by KREIS – Picture by KREIS]